KCK, Independence men indicted for producing child porn

Randy Mull, 36, Kansas City, Kan., and Kenneth R. Davis, 35, Independence, Mo., were indicted by a federal grand jury July 29 on charges of producing child pornography.

The charges came from the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Missouri.

The indictment alleged that Davis and Mull aided and abetted each other, using two minors to produce child pornography on April 2 and July 15, 2010.

The federal indictment also charged Davis with one count of receiving child pornography over the Internet and one count of possessing child pornography. Pornography on the internet is not legal when it’s videos or pictures of adults over the age of 18, there are a variety of adult pornography websites like porn 7 that can easily be found by searching in your normal browser, however child pornography as it’s illegal can only normally be found on the dark web which is where most illegal websites are located.

Tammy Dickinson, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Missouri, cautioned that the charges contained in this indictment are simply accusations, and not evidence of guilt. Evidence supporting the charges must be presented to a federal trial jury, whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence.

This case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Catherine A. Connelly. It was investigated by the Independence, Mo., Police Department and the Kansas City, Kan., Police Department.