KCK church plans outdoor Easter service in jeans and T-shirts

The New Bethel Church, 745 Walker Ave., Kansas City, Kan., plans an Easter Sunday celebration at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 20.

At 1 p.m., church members will head outdoors in jeans, athletic shoes and T-shirts as the preferred garb to make financial commitments.

The church members are forgoing their Easter finery at 1 p.m. as part of an outdoor service symbolizing their sacrifices for the church. Pastor A. Glenn Brady will lead the service of commitment and Resurrection Celebration, where members will make a financial commitment toward a new worship center and community outreach programs for the area.

Those attending the service will walk to an open field behind the church at 1 p.m. where they will nail their commitments to an 18-foot cross on the grounds where the new church building will be constructed.

The cross will be lifted up to symbolize the sacrifices that will be made by the members of the New Bethel Church to help others and better the community, a church spokesman said.

At the conclusion of the service, those who attend plan to release biodegradable balloons containing special prayer requests.

The church plans to build a new worship center that will seat more than 1,000 persons, a spokesman said. It will also remodel the current sanctuary to make a transition into a family life center to house the food pantry and other outreach initiatives.