KCK bike race benefits Free Wheels for Kids

A benefit bike race was held last weekend in Kansas City, Kan., for Free Wheels for Kids. (Photo by William Crum)

by William Crum

Waterway Park and Big 11 Lake were the sites of a major bike race last weekend in Kansas City, Kan.

This event sponsored by Free Wheels for Kids is unlike any other bike race in the metropolitan area. It is called The Criterium and it benefits Free Wheels for Kids, a program that is dedicated to help promote bicycling for school-age kids.

Racing is becoming very popular. It takes a lot of stamina to compete in a race of this magnitude, as well as skill and endurance. Many of those who decide they want to compete train years before the race.

Bicyclists come from all over the metropolitan area just to compete in this event. On Saturday they started at Waterway Park and Sunday they raced at Big 11 Lake. Sunday was the final day of this competition. Overall this race was a success and the proceeds went to Free Wheels for Kids.

For more information on how you can help Free Wheels for Kids, go to the website http://www.freewheelskc.org/.

A benefit bike race was held last weekend in Kansas City, Kan., for Free Wheels for Kids. (Photo by William Crum)