Kansas COVID-19 cases increase to 747; Wyandotte County cases rise to 161

Wyandotte County positive COVID-19 cases increased to 161 on Sunday morning, compared to 147 cases on Saturday morning. (Graphic from UG COVID-19 website)
The number of cases has been increasing in Wyandotte County. (Graph from UG COVID-19 website)
More than 45 counties in Kansas have at least one positive COVID-19 case, according to a map on the KDHE COVID-19 website. (KDHE COVID-19 map)
A graph showed the rise of the total number of COVID-19 cases in Kansas. (KDHE COVID-19 graph)

Wyandotte County positive COVID-19 cases increased to 161 on Sunday morning, April 5, an increase of 14 since Saturday morning, according to statistics on the Unified Government’s COVID-19 website.

Kansas reported statewide positive cases totaling 747 on Sunday morning, as compared to 698 on Saturday morning, an increase of 51. The number of new cases declined a little from Saturday’s 78 to the Sunday numbers.

The state recorded 22 deaths, an increase of one death since Saturday morning, according to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment statistics. The death was in Johnson County, according to the Johnson County Health Department website.

There were the same number of total deaths, six, in Wyandotte County as Saturday morning, and the same number of total hospitalizations, 42, according to the UG website.

Johnson County had 192 positive cases on Sunday morning, as compared to 183 positive cases on Saturday morning, according to the Johnson County Health Department website. Johnson County reported one additional death on Sunday, bringing its total deaths to eight.

Wyandotte County experienced an increase of positive cases this past week from a nursing home where 17 patients had tested positive for COVID-19, according to a UG news release Friday night.

The Unified Government’s COVID-19 website is at https://www.wycokck.org/COVID-19.

To view Kansas Department of Health and Environment COVID-19 information, visit

Information from the Centers for Disease Control is online at

A UG COVID-19 map of Wyandotte County showed the number of positive cases in Zip Code area: 44 cases in 66112; 34 cases in 66104; 30 cases in 66109; 19 cases in 66102; 8 cases in 66111; 7 cases in 66101; 7 cases in 66106; and 5 cases in 66012. (UG COVID-19 map)