K-7 to eastbound I-70 ramp opens

The new K-7 to eastbound I-70 interchange ramp opened to traffic at 12:10 p.m. Wednesday. (KDOT photo)
The new K-7 to eastbound I-70 interchange ramp opened to traffic at 12:10 p.m. Wednesday. (KDOT photo)

At 12:10 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 17, the new K-7 to eastbound I-70 ramp was opened to unrestricted traffic in Bonner Springs.

The ramp work was part of the K-7 and I-70 interchange project Phase 1 construction.

A KDOT spokeswoman said that if K-7 traffic tries to use the old eastbound I-70 ramp, they will end up on westbound I-70 on the Kansas Turnpike, and traffic will then not be able to turn around until they reach the KTA toll plaza seven miles west of the K-7 and I-70 interchange.

The new K-7 to eastbound I-70 ramp is accessed at Speaker Road, just south of I-70. Access to the existing K-7 to eastbound I-70 ramp was located at Canaan Drive and this eastbound I-70 ramp access only (at Canaan Drive) was closed to all traffic at 2:45 p.m. today.

The existing ramp bridge over I-70 will be removed via equipment starting tomorrow, Thursday, Dec. 18, weather permitting. It will take several days to remove the bridge and traffic impacts will include lane closures and short slowdowns during off peak hours on I-70.

Updated daily traffic information for this project and for the entire Kansas City metro area can be viewed online any time at: www.ksdot.org/kcmetro/laneclose.asp.

Construction information for the K-7 and I-70 interchange project, phases 1 and 2A-2B, including phasing schedule and traffic impacts, is online at http://www.ksdot.org/Assets/wwwksdotorg/bureaus/kcMetro/pdf/K-7%20and%20I-70%20Phase%202B%20Project%20Handout.pdf.