Housing forum planned tonight

A housing forum is planned tonight by the Kansas Housing Resources Corp.

The forum will begin at 7 p.m. tonight, and registration information is at https://kshousingcorp.org/events/housing-needs-assessment-public-forum-kc-metro/.

The forum is part of a state effort to assess future housing needs.

It will review current housing opportunities, identify strategic goals, and develop recommendations to guide future housing development.

“We’ve long known that the state’s shortage of comprehensive housing data limits our ability to provide affordable homes for Kansans,” said Ryan Vincent, executive director of Kansas Housing Resources Corp. “The feedback gathered through this study will be a crucial first step in identifying current needs and resources so we can ensure that every Kansas community has the housing needed to grow and thrive.”

The study’s current discovery phase includes a series of public listening sessions and a statewide survey to gauge community and stakeholder input. Consultants will use feedback gathered throughout the discovery process to assess opportunities and set strategic housing goals. The project’s final phase involves developing a statewide housing plan and recommendations, with delivery anticipated by December 2021.

Community members are encouraged to share their opinions by completing an online survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KansasHousing; participate in a public listening session; or visit the Kansas Statewide Housing Needs Assessment webpage at https://kshousingcorp.org/kansas-statewide-housing-needs-assessment-2021/ to learn more.

Registration information for tonight’s forum is at https://kshousingcorp.org/events/housing-needs-assessment-public-forum-kc-metro/.

For more information, visit https://kshousingcorp.org/housing-leaders-welcome-public-input-for-statewide-study/.