House passes bill changing school finance

After a few delays this morning, the Kansas House passed a bill that will change the school finance method.

The vote was 64-57. The bill now goes to the Senate for approval.

Wyandotte County Democrats opposed bill, which changes the per pupil spending method to a block grant funding method. On local Democratic legislator said it would probably result in less funds for local public schools, and that it was a way for backers of the bill to skirt court decisions on school finance.

House Democratic Leader Tom Burroughs, D-33rd Dist., released this statement:

“Today the House voted on a bill that exacerbates inequalities amongst school districts and inadequately funds our public education system.

“The tactics deployed this week are proof that the Governor and his legislative allies will go to any lengths necessary to achieve their political agenda and protect their failed economic experiment– even if it significantly harms our children’s futures.

“It is time for the Legislature to make fair and adequate funding a priority. Our children, the future of Kansas, deserve better.”

For an earlier story, see