Holland to speak at Democratic breakfast Saturday

Mark Holland, a candidate for U.S. Senate, will be the guest speaker at the Wyandotte County Third Saturday Democratic Breakfast meeting at 9:15 a.m. Saturday, July 16.

The breakfast will be at the Las Islas VIP Bar and Grill, 4929 State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

Holland is a minister and a former Kansas City, Kansas, mayor.

The restaurant opens at 8:15 a.m. Saturday with the program beginning around 9:15 a.m.

Local Democratic candidates also may be speaking at the program, on four-minute time limits.

The meeting is open to Democrats. Breakfast will be available for purchase. The cost of breakfast is $10, or $7 for students and those on limited incomes. Those attending do not have to purchase a breakfast to listen to the program.