Historical Society plans annual meeting Nov. 17

The Wyandotte County Historical Society will hold its annual meeting starting at 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 17, at the Wyandotte County Museum, 631 N. 126th St. in Wyandotte County Park, Bonner Springs.

The meeting is set an hour earlier because of numerous activities. Officers and trustees will be elected; the annual service awards will be presented to volunteers. The meeting will mark the formal release of the digital archive of “The Historical Journal of Wyandotte County.” Steve Zuk, a Kansas City, Kansas, historian, will present a slide show offering historic photos of Wyandotte County.

Officers nominated include Rebecca Barber Meditz, president; Bill Hutton, first vice president; Dan Desko, second vice president; George Groneman, third vice president; Jim Ryan, treasurer; Loren Taylor, historian; and Tom Cooley, Gene Chavez, Bill Miller, Zelma Sully and Jim Scherzer, trustees.

Conversations, led by Taylor, a Kansas City, Kansas, lawyer and a past president of the society, started in 1999 and led to the quarterly publication of The Journal. During the past 20 years, The Journal has published more than 600 articles by more than 65 authors; it has become a resource for three major works on Wyandotte County history.

All of the issues of The Journal are available on a digitalized disc. Lifetime Society members who attend the annual meeting will receive a free disc.

Refreshments will be served after the meeting.