A musical production featuring many children, “Hansel and Gretel,” is being performed currently at the Alcott Arts Center, 180 S. 18th St., Kansas City, Kan.
The musical play will take place at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday at Alcott.
The lyrics are by Malcolm Brown, script and score by David Barrett by arrangement with Yellowbrick Publications.
Among the young actors appearing in the show are Hansel, Dakota Garrison; Gretel, Elise Allee; witch, Katia Marie Arians and Victoria Gerardy; father, Colin Arians; mother, Victoria Gerardy; Villager 1, Harley Carolus; Villager 2, Bailey Allee; villagers, all cast; the crow, Harley Carolus; animals, Alex Allee, Daniel Garcia III, Zoe Green Lockwood, Xavier Najera, Bailey Allee; the good elf, Alex Allee; elves, Harley Carolus, Daniel Garcia III, Zoe Green Lockwood, Xavier Najera, Bailey Allee.
The co-director is Jennifer Coates and the production crew includes Peggy Arians, Joselyn and Robert Carolus, Daniel Garcia Jr., Mia Garcia, Georgina Green; and set design, Chris Green
In conjunction with the performance, an art show featuring Kansas City, Kan., youth is being held at the Alcott. The young artists include Jordan (Jo) Thaxton, Jenny Sanchez and Melissa Crowe. The art exhibit opens at 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
Admission to the play is $8 per person. The art exhibitions are free and open to the public. The Alcott is not yet ADA-accessible.
For more information, visit www.alcottartscenter.org or call 913-233-2787.