Groups plan ‘Souls to the Polls’ event on Saturday

Several groups are supporting a Souls to the Polls car caravan on Saturday, July 11, in Kansas City, Kansas.

The event will encourage people to get out and vote in the Aug. 4 primary election, according to Elizabeth Ann Sanders, chairperson of the event.

People who want to participate in the caravan will meet at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the parking lot near the Jewell Building of Kansas City Kansas Community College, 7250 State Ave., she said.

Sanders said this is a nonpartisan event to try to let citizens’ voices be heard.

Participants can make hand-made signs, and bring them to the parking lot, where they can tape them to their cars in the caravan, she said. She said they will have painters’ tape. They have been working with the police regarding traffic concerning this caravan, she added.

The cars will drive through ward 9, precinct 6; ward 11, precinct 5; and ward 11, precinct 8, she said. In these areas, voter turnout has been light in the last election.

Among those groups that are participating in this event are the League of Women Voters, Mainstream Coalition, the Black Ministerial Alliance, Grandparents Against Gun Violence, the NAACP, Dotte Votes, Connect the Dotte and other nonprofits, including sororities and fraternities, she said.

The voter registration deadline for the primary election is Tuesday, July 14, and voters who want mail ballots should request the advance ballots by July 28. For more details, visit