Grocery store for northeast area would take priority over community center in new UG recommendation

UG meeting preview

A recommendation from Unified Government Administrator Doug Bach would place priority on a grocery store in the northeast area over a proposed community recreation facility there.

The grocery store and a YMCA community center were part of the Healthy Campus project that has been worked on for several years by the previous UG mayor.

At the 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8, UG Commission meeting, according to the agenda, Bach is recommending to go forward with the grocery store separately.

An agenda statement says the UG staff has been working to advance the Healthy Campus for the past two months.

“As of this time, staff has not been able to secure a management agreement for the operation of the proposed grocery store, therefore we are recommending that we pause our current efforts to design the proposed site for the combined project,” the UG agenda stated. “Focus for this project will be directed toward securing a grocery store developer and operator for the downtown – northeast areas. It should also be noted that the federal government renewed the New Market Tax Credit Program for 2019, thus this tool will still be available to us in the coming year should we elect to make it part of the project.”

Also on Thursday’s 7 p.m. agenda is a public hearing to consider a joint ordinance and resolution designating Neighborhood Revitalization Areas and adopting the 2018-2020 Neighborhood Revitalization Plan.

Special project areas under this plan include the State Avenue corridor east and the Leavenworth Road corridor.

Other items on the 7 p.m. agenda include:

– Sale of general obligation bonds, ordinance and resolution, city and county.
– Sale of municipal temporary notes.
– Report on the 2018 Commission and Mayor’s travel and community event expenditures.
– Emergency Operations Plan update, proposed resolution.
– Wyandotte County Debris Management Plan, proposed resolution.
– Fairfax Drainage District agreement, proposed resolution to provide sewer services for industrial growth in the Fairfax district, and reimbursing the district $197,700 for sewer services already provided.
– Approval of a report to help property owners reduce their risk of flooding by providing an understanding of flood risk, flooding sources and resources of mitigation.
– Resolution to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Sheriff’s Department and Teamsters Local No. 955 labor contract.
– Nathan Reasons has been nominated to the Planning and Zoning Commission, submitted by Commissioner Jane Philbrook.
– Carla Baker has been nominated to the Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District (Downtown Improvement District) Advisory Board, submitted by Commissioner Gayle Townsend.

Also, these Land Bank items are on the agenda:

2312 N. 34th St. – Nancy Chavez-Cordona, yard extension
2923 Lafayette Ave. – Lorenza Jaranillo, yard extension
2313 N. 12th St. – Hazel Byers, yard extension
900 Lafayette Ave. – Preston Brown, yard extension
2756 N. 22nd St. – Henson Memorial Church, property acquisition
455 Bluegrass Dr. – Ryan Casey, single family construction

Transfer to Land Bank
2700 N. 18th St. – Unified Government of Wyandotte County/KCK
(Property was transferred to the UG with over $6,500 in back taxes. After abatement, the property will be transferred back to the UG.)

Transfer from Land Bank
2700 N. 18th St. – Unified Government of Wyandotte County/KCK
(Property was transferred to the UG with over $6,500 in back taxes. After abatement, the property will be transferred back to the UG.)

Donations to Land Bank
1329 Webster Ave. – Jontell Jones
6007 Kansas Ave. – Lowkap, LLC
954 Ivandale St. – Linda (Ronchetto) Johnson

Tax Sale #339 (12/14/17) Transfers
(There are 126 properties on the tax sale list. They include properties that received a bid but were not redeemed by a winning bidder by the deadline of the tax sale. The list begins on page 452 of the agenda.)

A 5 p.m. Feb. 8 special session will be held about security, and then at 6 p.m. a special session will be about labor. Those meetings are executive sessions, closed to the public, according to the agenda.

More information about the Feb. 8 meeting can be found on the agenda, which is online at, under Agendas.