Grinter Place to begin Second Saturday series on Dec. 8

Grinter Place will sponsor its Second Saturday Speakers Series this winter, beginning Saturday, Dec. 8.

The program will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 8, and the topic will be “Coronado in Kansas” by Rudy Padilla.

The historic Grinter House is at South 78th and K-32 in Kansas City, Kansas.

In conjunction with the free program, there will be free doughnuts, coffee or juice.

Each program will be about 35 minutes long. After the program, there will be the opportunity for questions and comments.

Tours of the Grinter House also will be available, for an admission fee of $6 for adults and $3 for students.

The Second Saturday Speaker Series will present educational programs about the history of Grinter House, the oldest home still standing in Wyandotte County, and the area.

Future programs in the Grinter Second Saturday Speaker Series include:

• Jan. 12 – “How the Junior League Helped Save the Grinter House and How Volunteers Built the Grinter Event Space Barn,” presented by Georgia Howlett;
• Feb. 9 – topic and speaker to be determined;
• March 9 – “March Madness – James Naismith First Person Re-Enactment,” presented by Bill Nicks.

Grinter House closed for the winter on Oct. 13 and opens again on March 13. Regular hours from March 13 to Oct. 12 will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday.

Information from Pat Spencer