Grant proposals on agenda for UG Commission meeting Thursday

Grant proposals for the Mid-America Regional Council grants are on the Thursday night agenda for the 7 p.m. Unified Government Commission meeting.

The UG will ask the commission to approve grant submittals for federal fiscal year 2025-2026. Also on the agenda are many planning and zoning items.

The MARC grant item was “fast-tracked” by the Public Works Department from the Monday, Feb. 28, meeting of the Public Works and Safety Committee. The projects are not approved by MARC.

Only the top seven projects on the Public Works Department list will be forwarded for 2025-2026, according to department officials. The projects were scored by the department. Those projects include:

• 6th Street improvements, Central Avenue to Minnesota, and Armstrong 5th to 4th, $5 million;
• Leavenworth Road, from I-435 to 128th, complete streets reconstruction, $7.5 million;
• Strawberry Hill complete streets project, $1.5 million total cost, $600,000 local match;
• 55th Street, Douglas Avenue to Inland Drive, complete streets reconstruction, $7 million total cost, $2.8 million local match needed;
• Quindaro, Front Street to I-635, complete streets reconstruction, $23 million total cost, $9.2 million local match needed;
• Shawnee Drive – East Turner sidewalk improvements, $1 million total cost, $400,000 local match needed;
• Safe Routes to School, Leavenworth Road, 119th to 123rd, $850,000 total project cost, $340,000 local match needed.

Also on the agenda is a grant applicant from the Public Works Department to the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration for a grant to fund an environmental literacy and climate resiliency project.

In addition, there are agenda items involving Bennett Lake, next to the former Woodlands; Camping World at 94th and State Avenue; and various bar permits and other applications.

The agenda also includes proposed revisions to the Wyandotte County emergency operations plan.

Agreements with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 53 and the Teamsters Local 955 contract also are on the agenda.

On the regular meeting’s planning and zoning consent agenda:
• 1342 N. 126th St., change of zone from agriculture district to planned commercial district for expansion of Delaware Storage.

• 14140 State Ave., change of zone from planned commercial district to planned general industrial district for a contractor staging area and heavy equipment storage for Remco Demolition.

• 2822 W. 43rd Ave., change of zone from single family district to two-family district to bring an existing duplex into compliance.

• 9300 Leavenworth Road, change of zone from plannedgeneral industrial district to single-family district for the existing Bennett Lake and park land.

• 9400 State Ave., change of zone from agriculture distrit to planned commercial district for Camping World inventory lot expansion.

Special use permits applications include:

• 6550 Kaw Drive, renewal of special use permit for live entertainment with a drinking establishmenet;

• 5124 Sloan Ave., renewal of a special use permit for horses;

• 452 S. 26th St., special use permit for expanded mechanic’s shop to maintain tow vehicles and car sales, Sunflower Tow Service.

• 3801 R State Ave., 4100 Ann Ave., 4315 Ann Ave. and 949 N. 41st St., special use permit for grading, MJP Properties and Highland Park Cemetery.

• 8130 Kaw Drive, renewal of special use permit for temporary use of land for an office trailer.

• 7250 State Ave., renewal of a special use permit for a child care facility on the KCKCC campus.

• 3327 N. 7th St. Trafficway, renewal of a special use permit for a shooting range, CZ-USA.

• 527 Tenny Ave., special use permit for a short-term rental.

• 9020 State Ave., special use permit for indoor facility and outdoor fields for multi-sport training and tournament games, including food, beverage and liquor sales and related parking.

• 9020 State Ave., special use permit for future parking and baseball fields for Homefield Training Center.

Plan review:

• 9400 State Ave., preliminary and final plan review for Camping World inventory lot expansion.

• 9020 State Ave., preliminary plan review for Homefield Training Center;

• 14140 State Ave., Master Plan amendment from planned commercial to industrial.

• 9300 Leavenworth Road, Master Plan amendmenet from business park to open space.

• 9020 State Ave., Master Plan amendment from planned mixed residential to planned commercial.


• Amending an ordinance on the 47th Street Overlay District to remove the requirement for a separate, interjurisdictional review panel of the UG, city of Westwood and city of Roeland Park, and other updates allowing each municipality to independently review their portion of the shared overlay district.

• 7331 Holliday Drive, an ordinance rezoning property from planned nonretail business and single-family districts to planned limited business district.

• 230 S. 65th St., ordinance rezoning property from single-family to planned commercial district.

• 4461 Eaton St., ordinance rezoning property from single-family district to planned townhouse district.

• 3159 Orville Ave., ordinance rezoning property from single-family district to traditional neighborhood design district.

• 1150 N. 38th St., ordinance rezoning property from single-family district to planned nonretail business district.

• 3817 Lust Drive, ordinance rezoning property from single-family district to agriculture district.

• 4621 Swartz Road, ordinance authorizing special use permit for no more than 20 chickens.

• 3801 Lloyd, ordinance authorizing special use permit for a short-term rental.

• 6261 Leavenworth Road, special use permit for continuation of a residential facility for boys.

• 401 N. 6th St., special use permit for a drinking establishment with live entertainment.

• 812 S. 12th St., special use permit for live entertainment at an existing drinking establishment and restaurant.

• 4403 Rainbow Blvd., special use permit for Friendship Inn for family memers and uests of patients at the University of Kansas Health Systems.

• 3151 W. 45th Ave., special use permit for a short-term rental.

• 2416 and 2416A S. 51st St, 5115 and 5126 Gibbs Road, ordinance rezoning property from single family, limited business and planned limited business districts to planned garden apartment district.

• 419 Armstrong Ave., ordinance authorizing home occupation special use permit for a personal training business.

Also on the agenda is a plat of Vogts Heights at Polfer Road and 107th Street, being developed by Derek McCallum.

Nominations to boards and commissions on the agenda include:
• Judy Anderson nominated to the Wyandotte County Library Board by Commissioner Chuck Stites;
• Dani Gurley nominated to the UG Park Board by Commissioner Stites;
• William Hutton nominated to the Self-Support Municipal Improvement District Advisory Board by Commissioner Stites;
• Joe Peterson nominated to the Advisory Committee on Human Relations and Disability Issues by Commissioner Stites.

5 p.m. meeting:

A special session of the UG Commission also will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday, March 3, to discuss the KC Levees project.

The meeting will be conducted virtually, according to the meeting notice.

The public may view the meeting on YouTube, on UGTV cable channels, and through Zoom. The public also may view the meeting in the City Hall lobby.

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