Governor makes Court of Appeals appointment

Gov. Laura Kelly on Monday appointed Carl A. Folsom III of Lawrence, Kansas, to the Kansas Court of Appeals.

It is his second appointment. If his appointment is approved by the Senate, he would replace Judge Steve Leben, who is retiring. The Senate may consider his appointment during the next legislative session.

The Senate earlier rejected the governor’s appointment of Folsom to replace Judge G. Joseph Pierron, who retired.

“Carl is not only an extremely bright lawyer, but he also has a passion for the practice of law and a real understanding of how it affects Kansans’ daily lives,” Gov. Kelly said. “Carl is not afraid to stand up for the people of our state and protect their fundamental rights, no matter the cost. During the interview process, he once again stood out as a qualified candidate who will serve Kansans well on the Court of Appeals, with fairness and compassion.”

Durng a news conference Monday afternoon, Gov. Kelly said Folsom is the most qualified candidate, he knows the struggles of Kansans who face economic security and he would go the extra mile to protect rights.

Gov. Kelly said when the Senate initially rejected Folsom’s nomination, she was quite clear about how disappointed and appalled she was. Since then she has heard from a number of senators who regret the vote, she added.

“I fully expect the Senate will come back and do the right thing this time and confirm Folsom to the Court of Appeals,” Gov. Kelly said.

According to the governor’s office, although a rejected candidate cannot be appointed to the same position again, this appointment is for a different position, replacing a different person.

Folsom, who grew up in Tonganoxie, is currently an assistant federal public defender. He has represented indigent defendants in the Kansas Appellate Defender’s Office, worked in private practice in civil and criminal cases, and was an assistant federal public defender. He also has served as an adjunct professor at the University of Kansas School of Law.

He graduated with honors from the University of Kansas with a bachelor’s degree in political science, and also graduated from the University of Kansas School of Law in 2005.