Fundraiser held Saturday for LRA

Taylor Clark with daughters at the Leavenworth Road Association fundraiser Saturday. (Photo from Lou Braswell)

by Lou Braswell

Thanks to all those that bought tickets and stopped in for tacos Saturday at the Leavenworth Road Association fundraiser at the FOP Lodge on Leavenworth Road.

We consider our fundraiser as successful as we had over 60 stopping by to eat and linger to visit.

Firefighters from a local station stopped by to eat, they had just filled their plate, sat down with their food, dessert and drink when their radios sounded with “call to duty.” We did wrap their selections up to wait for their return. We salute our first responders as they protect our city and citizens.

Thanks to Dave at Johnnie’s West, Happy Foods North and the FOP Hall, Lodge 4.

During the event, we gained a new member, made contacts for our upcoming Halloween event at Eisenhower Center, 2901 N. 72nd, with Multiply Church. A gym full of activities for the kids, that also amazes the adults, plus treat tables by local neighborhood groups, organizations, churches, and businesses, all adds up to “Safe Halloween Fun.”

Watch for more information soon.
Lou Braswell is the executive director of the Leavenworth Road Association.

Yes, there were lines at the Leavenworth Road Association fundraiser on Saturday. (Photo from Lou Braswell)
Some firefighters dropped by the Leavenworth Road Association fundraiser before being called away on Saturday. (Photo from Lou Braswell)