Freed after 19 years on death row, former inmate to address topic of death penalty

Curtis McCarty, on death row for 19 years in Oklahoma for a crime he did not commit, will be the guest speaker April 8 at Donnelly College, 608 N. 18th St., Kansas City, Kan.

The event will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 8, in Donnelly’s Community Event Center.

McCarty spent more than 21 years in prison – including 19 years on death row – before being exonerated in 2007.

McCarty was re-convicted twice and re-sentenced to death three times. It took more than 16 years for McCarty to secure proper DNA testing, and another three years to win a new trial with this evidence.

Since being exonerated, McCarty has been advocating for repeal of the death penalty all over the world. hand the flaws in the death penalty system, and the possibility of a state making the biggest mistake of all: executing an innocent person.

His appearance April 8 is sponsored by Donnelly College and the Archdiocese of Kansas.

The event is free and open to the public.