Ford’s perfect game highlights KCKCC sweep at Cottey

Leslie Ford

by Alan Hoskins

Leslie Ford’s perfect game highlighted Kansas City Kansas Community College’s sweep at Cottey College in Nevada, Mo., Tuesday.

Ford pitched the Lady Blue Devils to a 13-0 win and Elizabeth Seimears followed up with a 5-hit shutout in a 17-0 rout in pair of 5-inning games.

The two wins boosted the Blue Devils’ overall record to 24-8 heading into a doubleheader at No. 12 ranked Highland Wednesday before they return home to host Cloud County Friday at 2-4 p.m. and Brown Mackie Saturday at noon-2 p.m.

Ford struck out 11 of the 15 batters she faced in Tuesday’s opening win while Seimears fanned seven in her 5-hitter in the nightcap.

Lacey Santiago doubled and tripled and drove in four runs; Amanda Holroyd doubled and tripled to drive in two to pace a 12-hit KCKCC attack in the opener.

Megan Dike added a double and single, Laura Vanderheiden two singles and Hanna Barnhart a double for the Blue Devils.

Santiago and Holroyd sandwiched their triples around Justice Scales single for a 2-0 lead in the first and Santiago’s 3-run double in the second following hits by Ford and Vanderheiden made it 6-0.

The final seven runs came in the fourth in an uprising that included back-to-back doubles by Mierra Morisette, Holroyd and Barnhart and a single and double by Dike. Morisette drove in six runs in the second game, three on a home run and two on a double in a 13-run fourth inning.

Holroyd also had a two-run homer and single in the inning while Barnhart, Scales and Santiago each had a double and single in the uprising.

The 12-hit inning also included a run-scoring double by Dike and two-run double by Henigton.