Food safety class offered Nov. 13

The ServSafe Food Handlers Course will be offered Nov. 13.

The last ServSafe class of 2018 will be offered from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13. The class is for food service employees, including anyone interested in food service employment.

The cost of the class is $10, which includes class material, a work book and a certificate.

A “Stay Strong, Stay Healthy 2019” class will start March 5. The class is offered a few times a year and provides an exercise program for older adults that targets strength, balance and flexibility.

For more information, or to register for the classes, call K-State Research and Extension, Wyandotte County, 913-299-9300, or email Lori Wuellner, [email protected], or Jo McLeland, [email protected].