Flunder remembered with proclamation

Mayor Mark Holland presented a proclamation for Mary Ann Flunder Day last week to relatives of the long-time KCKCC board member, who died March 24.
Mayor Mark Holland presented a proclamation for Mary Ann Flunder Day last week to relatives of the long-time KCKCC board member, who died March 24.

A proclamation was issued by Mayor Mark Holland last week naming April 28 as Mary Ann Flunder Day.

Flunder, a long-time member of the Kansas City Kansas Community College Board of Trustees, served on many community boards and was a community leader in Kansas City, Kan. Flunder died March 24.

She frequently attended Unified Government meetings, and her family was present April 28 to accept the proclamation.

“I know she would appreciate very much this honor,” said one of her daughters. “She spent her life working for and with those who had very little.”

She often got people to do things that made them better persons, she said.

Commissioner Ann Murguia remarked that she had never met anyone who worked harder for her community. “I hope that her memory is not lost and the community works together to erect something in memory of her,” she said.