Flu shot remains best flu protection despite mutated flu strain, KU doctor says

A physician at The University of Kansas Hospital is advising the public not to be overly concerned about the Centers for Disease Control announcement of a mutated strain of flu observed this year.

“It is true that the mutated flu strain will make a part of the vaccine less effective this year, but it is only one part of the three or four vaccines in the flu shot,” said Dr. Lee Norman, chief medical officer of The University of Kansas Hospital in Kansas City, Kan.

“Even if a vaccinated person makes contract with the mutated strain, the current vaccine will likely make any flu illness less severe. And if you have been vaccinated and has early indications of a severe flu, call your doctor, who could recommend some anti-viral medications,” Dr. Norman said.

On Thursday, Dec. 4, KU Hospital reported eight cases of persons hospitalized with the flu, a spokesman said. The CDC reported that the state of Kansas had “local” levels of the flu for the last reporting period, the week of Nov. 22. In a news release this week, the CDC said it looked like a potentially severe flu season this year.

Dr. Norman recommends getting a flu shot now, if you haven’t received one yet. He said you could get one as late as the end of February and still be effective.

Dr. Norman also advised using other flu-fighting techniques including proper hand-washing and covering your coughs.

To see a KU Hospital video about the flu, visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1Wt4jcFePg.