Flooding delays completion of I-70 viaduct

Weather has delayed the completion of the Lewis and Clark Viaduct I-70 westbound bridge reconstruction, the Kansas Department of Transportation announced recently.

Originally scheduled for completion in December 2019, the project lost 58 of 70 possible workdays between March 13 and May 21 because of the weather, according to KDOT officials.

KDOT didn’t have a new completion date, saying that it will depend on when the work sites can be accessed and assessments made.

High water on the Kansas River prevented crews from accessing pier sites, a spokesman stated. Work on the piers could not continue while the sites were inaccessible.

The viaduct crosses the Kansas River 1,500 feet from the confluence of the Missouri River, making it susceptible to high water from both rivers.

The flooding that was experienced here was attributed to large amounts of rain and snow in the spring in the Missouri River basin.