Flags taken from county fair

Some American flags were taken from the Wyandotte County Fairgrounds during last week’s fair at 13700 Polfer Road, Kansas City, Kan.

Charlotte Andervich, a board member and treasurer of the Wyandotte County Fair Association, said the fair had borrowed the flags from the city of Shawnee. In all, there had been eight flags.

“We are going to, of course, replace them,” she said. “I don’t know who took them.”

The fair had security officers, she said, and other than the flags being taken, there weren’t other major incidents at the fair.

“I thought it went pretty well, in general,” Andervich said. “The weather was very nice the first three nights.”

On Friday and Saturday it was very hot, and there was a good crowd Saturday, she said.

The mud run Saturday night was well attended, and the carnival and most of the vendors felt they did very well, she said.

Barrel racing was canceled Wednesday night because of a big rain last weekend, and the arena didn’t dry out by Wednesday, she said.

Andervich said there will be a couple of barrel races scheduled at the fairgrounds in the future.