Firefighters thanked with cookout

At the fire station at 816 N. 6th St., Kansas City, Kansas, on the Fourth of July. (Photo by Aaron Monson)
A cookout was held today for firefighters at the fire station at 816 N. 6th St., Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Aaron Monson)

The Fourth of July is often one of the busiest days of the year for the Fire Department. Today the firefighters at the Fire Department, 816 N. 6th St., Kansas City, Kansas, were treated to lunch.

Aaron Monson, producer of a new Kansas City, Kansas, Fire Department 3D Video Tour, and his crew grilled hot dogs, hamburgers and provided chips and cookies for the firefighters downtown.

“Today we’re hanging out and giving back to them, cooking them lunch and dinner,” Monson said. “It’s inspiring what they do every day.”

Firefighters are modern-day heroes, and he would like to thank them.

Monson and his team have been interviewing firefighters and following them around recently to make a 3D virtual reality recruiting program for the Fire Department. The department hopes it will help in recruiting new firefighters and EMTs.

He used a special camera using a 3D technology called photogrammetry, usually used for real estate marketing, but in this case, it was used for film location scanning. Seven crew members worked on the project, according to Monson, and he spent almost 200 hours reviewing, editing and re-editing the videos and 3D tour.

Monson just posted the 3D tour on his website at 1 a.m. today, he said. It is online at

– Information from Kathy Hanis

At the Kansas City, Kansas, fire station at 816 N. 6th St., on the Fourth of July. (Photo by Aaron Monson)
At the Kansas City, Kansas, fire station at 816 N. 6th St., on the Fourth of July. (Photo by Aaron Monson)
At the Kansas City, Kansas, fire station at 816 N. 6th St., on the Fourth of July. (Photo by Aaron Monson)
Firefighters posed with a 3D video crew on the Fourth of July at the fire station at 816 N. 6th St. (Photo by Aaron Monson)