Faith news

To send in items for the Faith News, email information to [email protected]. Please include your name and contact information.

A weekly Scripture Group with Bible Sharing and Reflection, Lectio and Journaling, is offered from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Wednesdays at Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Heather Neds is a pastoral minister and leads the group at Keeler Women’s Center. Call 913-906-8990 to register.

Living Water United Methodist Church, 3001 N. 115th, Kansas City, Kan., is offering a Vacation Bible School, “Everest – Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power” from 6 to 8:30 p.m. July 5 to July 9. Children ages 3 through fifth grade are invited to join in the fun. There is no cost to participate. Visit or register on line at .

Risen Lamb International Church of the Nazarene, located in the Turner area of Kansas City, Kan., has announced the opening of the Risen Lamb Prayer Room and Retreat Center. On location at their church at 5301 Metropolitan Avenue, the prayer room and retreat center is open to the public for daytime retreats. All individuals or small groups seeking a quiet, sacred space to gather, pray, meditate, journal or read resources about prayer are welcome. The prayer room provides a peaceful space for solitude or can be scheduled in advance for groups of up to eight people. Guests seeking spiritual guidance may schedule a time of spiritual direction with one of the pastoral staff, and groups may inquire about scheduling a member of the pastoral team to lead or speak at a retreat. Donations accepted but not required. For more information, or to plan a visit, contact the Rev. Philip Friday at [email protected] or call 913-287-9418.

St. Patrick Parents Class of 2009 is once again collaborating with PACES to hold “A Luau with Love” – this year to help fund operating expenses for Robert’s Place, the new emergency shelter for kids in crisis in Wyandotte County. “Remembering Robert: A Luau with Love” is set for 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 27, at St. Patrick Parish Center, 94th and State Avenue, Kansas City, Kan. For a $25 per person donation, guests will enjoy a buffet meal, entertainment, games, and a silent auction and other fundraising events. The Luau commemorates Robert Zevenbergen, former St. Patrick parishioner, who died at age 20 in a tragic car accident on March 20, 2014. Robert’s Place is named in his memory and serves kids removed from their homes due to suspected abuse or who are at-risk of out-of-home placement. Robert’s Place is a program of PACES, the Wyandotte County nonprofit agency that provides services to address emotional and behavioral needs of children and adolescents, and their families. Last year’s Luau with Love benefited the capital campaign to build the new Robert’s Place that will open this summer. This year’s proceeds will go toward ongoing operations of the emergency shelter. To purchase Luau tickets, donate an auction item or be a sponsor, or for more information, contact Allison McLain, 913-328-4667 or [email protected], or visit

The Rev. Machrina Blasdell, an adjunct professor at Park University, Parkville, will be the guest clergywoman at the 10 a.m. service July 5, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1300 N. 18th St. The Rev. Dixie Roberts Junk, the priest-in-charge at St. Paul’s, is attending the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Salt Lake City, Utah. There will be a Sunday service in Spanish at St. Paul’s at 7 p.m.

Stony Point Christian Church, 149 S. 78th St., plans a Patriotic Picnic from 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday, June 28, in the park. Those attending the church picnic are asked to bring a meat dish and a side dish or dessert to the potluck dinner. A costume contest will be held, with prizes for the most patriotically dressed person in three age groups. Group games are planned, including volleyball and horseshoes. A short program will be presented, and there will be group singing of patriotic songs. Those attending may bring lawn chairs and blankets.

Trinity AME Church, 2201 N. 5th St., is planning “Sumner Day” for all those who attended Sumner High School. They will be recognized at the10:15 a.m. service Sunday, June 28. The Sumner class with the most number in attendance will receive a trophy. After the worship service, a reception with light refreshments will be held. For more information, see

Wyandotte United Methodist Church, 7901 Oakland Ave., is planning a church community picnic after the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, June 28. Those attending the potluck meal, to start around noon, are asked to bring a side dish. There are games planned at the picnic.

Send in items for the Faith news to [email protected]. Please include your name and contact information.