Faith news

To send in items for the Faith News, email information to [email protected]. Please include your name and contact information.

Christ the King Catholic Church, 3024 N. 53rd St., plans a pancake breakfast sponsored by the Knights of Columbus on July 21.

The Keeler Women’s Center reopened July 1 at a new location, 759 Vermont Ave., Suite 100-B, Kansas City, Kansas.
The Gospel Non-Violence Study Group will meet from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Keeler Women’s Center, 759 Vermont Ave., Suite 100-B, Kansas City, Kansas.
Scripture Study and Reflection will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Wednesdays at the Keeler Women’s Center, 759 Vermont Ave., Suite 100-B, Kansas City, Kansas.
To register for classes, call 913-906-8990. The Keeler Women’s Center is a ministry of the Benedictine Sisters. For more information, visit

Sacred Heart Catholic parish, 2646 S. 34th St., Kansas City, Kansas, is planning bingo night at 7 p.m. July 13. The Knights of Columbus at Sacred Heart are the hosts of the event.

St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, 94th and State Avenue, plans a picnic from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, July 14, to welcome new priests to the church.

The Rev. Gail Reynolds, a deacon, and Elvis Spearman, a layman, will lead a morning prayer service at 10 a.m. Sunday, July 21, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1300 N. 18th St., Kansas City, Kansas. An indoor potluck picnic dinner will follow the service . Those attending will be urged to wear Hawaiian shirts and “flip-flop” shoes.

Wyandotte United Methodist Church, 7901 Oakland Ave., Kansas City, Kansas, is collecting school supplies through July 28 for students at a nearby public elementary school.

Send Faith News items to [email protected]. Please include your contact information. If there is inclement weather, check with the sponsoring organization to see if the event will still be held.