Faith news

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All Saints Catholic Church, 8th and Vermont, Kansas City, Kansas, will celebrate Polski Day on Saturday, May 5. A Polka Mass featuring the Good Shepherd Choir will be held at 4 p.m. May 5 at All Saints Church. The event also includes a Polski Day parade at 11 a.m. May 5 from 12th and Central, east to 8th Street, then to Vermont, ending at the church. Polish music, food and entertainment are scheduled on the church grounds. The event celebrates Polish heritage and raises funds for the church. For more information, see

Christ the King Catholic Church will hold a sloppy Joe dinner and bingo event at 5 p.m. April 21 at Davern Hall, 3024 N. 53rd St. The cost of the sloppy Joe dinner will be $5 for adults; or $12 for a family of up to two adults and four children. The church also plans a Community Blood Center blood drive from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, May 14, in the church basement, 3024 N. 53rd, Kansas City, Kansas. To schedule a donation, visit or call 816-753-4040.

The Gospel Non-Violence Study Group will meet from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 17, at the Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. The group is facilitated by Peg Burns Kerbawy, developer of “Our Golden Thread, Gospel Nonviolence Curriculum Materials.” For more information and registration, call 913-906-8990.

Parkway Baptist Church, 12320 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, Kansas, will hold a Community Blood Center blood drive from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, April 23, in the church classrooms. To schedule a donation, visit or call 816-753-4040.

Members of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1300 N. 18th St., Kansas City, Kan., will celebrate its 160th anniversary with special events on Saturday, April 21. A festive Holy Eucharist will be held at 2 p.m. The co-celebrants will be the Rt. Rev. Michael Pierce Milliken, the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Kansas; and the Very Rev. Craig Loya, the dean of Trinity Cathedral in Omaha. The Rev. Dixie Roberts Junk, the priest-in-charge at St. Paul’s, will assist. A gala celebration is planned at 3:30 p.m. in the parish hall. Members who are 80 years or older will be honored. Former members and friends have been invited to the celebration.

Attend the free Blended & Blessed® one-day livestream event on Saturday, April 21, for stepfamily couples, single parents, dating couples with kids, and those who care about blended families. To be discussed are crucial keys to healthy stepfamily marriages. With some of today’s most trusted and respected experts, Blended & Blessed will challenge, inspire, and encourage participants. This free event will be held at Wyandotte County Christian Church, 13700 Leavenworth Road, Kansas City, Kansas, and childcare and Chick-fil-A lunch are free. Sign up at

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