Facts about the war on wheat

by Lori Wuellner

There’s a good chance that you know someone who has banned wheat from their diet or even declared that they have gone gluten-free.  What’ up with this evolving craze?  A number of books and television programs have popularized this diet by claiming that wheat is responsible for belly fat, gastrointestinal issues and mental health conditions.  However, there isn’t enough science to back up the authors’ claim.  So, if you are thinking about eating gluten or wheat-free, here are the facts:
Celiac Disease, Wheat Allergy and Wheat Sensitivity/Gluten  Intolerance
Wheat isn’t for everyone.  Just less than 1 percent of people in the U.S. suffer from an autoimmune condition called celiac disease.  In addition, an estimated one-half of one percent of people in the U.S. are allergic to wheat, and unknown number of Americans have a less well-defined condition often characterized as wheat sensitivity or gluten intolerance.  The key here is that you should be diagnosed with one of these conditions by your health care provider before eliminating these foods from your diet.  People who have been diagnosed with celiac disease, wheat allergy, or gluten intolerance should avoid eating foods that contain any type of wheat, and may have to avoid barley and rye which also contain gluten.
True celiac disease is wicked, and the diet is not fun to follow.  People with it wish they could occasionally eat just one slice of bread but that one slice of bread will ravage their gut.  People without the disease may feel better eating gluten free but most likely they are experiencing the “halo” or placebo effect.
Belly fat
Eating too many calories and not exercising contributes to belly fat, and it’s easy to eat too many refined grains found in pastries, snacks and other processed foods.  So, instead of eliminating all wheat, choose more whole grains.  A recent study found that people who at least 3 servings of whole grains each day including wheat had 10 percent lower belly fat compared to people eating no whole grains.
Your brain on wheat
The claims about what effect wheat may have on the brain don’t stand up to scientific scrutiny either.  The brain needs carbohydrates for energy, and grain foods are an excellent source.  When you don’t eat enough carbohydrates, you will feed tired, unable to focus, irritable and may have headaches, and memory and learning problems.
Gut health
Followers of these popular diets may say that they feel better when they give up wheat and as mentioned they may be experiencing a “halo” or placebo effect.  However, when you eliminate grains from your diet, it’s difficult to get the fiber you need to maintain a healthy gut, immune system and overall health.  Fiber helps with maintaining good blood sugar control and good blood cholesterol and avoiding constipation.  Fiber also serves as food for the friendly bacteria that keep your gut healthy.
Bottom line
If you still want to try a gluten-free or wheat-free diet, look for other whole grains that you can include instead like brown rice, quinoa, or popcorn.  Visit the Whole Grains Council for more ideas and recipes and for gluten-free recipes you might want to check out www.celiac.com.
(Source:  Lisa Martin, MPH, RD, LD, County Extension Agent, Shawnee County)

Lori Wuellner is a Wyandotte County Extension agent, Family and Consumer Sciences, K-State Research and Extension, 1216 N. 79th St., Kansas City, Kan. Telephone 913-299-9300, email [email protected].