Extension of UG’s mask ordinance on Thursday’s agenda

An extension of the Unified Government’s mask ordinance is on the agenda for 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 18.

Kansas City, Kansas, currently has a mask ordinance in effect through Nov. 18 for indoor public spaces. It does not apply to Bonner Springs and Edwardsville.

A proposed resolution on the agenda for the Nov. 18 meeting would extend the mask mandate until 11:59 p.m. Jan. 6.

The UG Health Department director is scheduled to present a COVID-19 update and the proposed resolution at the meeting Nov. 18.

The proposed resolution noted that the vaccination rate in Wyandotte County is still low, with only 52.25 percent of the residents having received at least one vaccination shot. It also noted that the CDC recommended face masks in indoor public settings in areas of the country that had substantial or high transmission of COVID-19, including for fully vaccinated individuals.

On Tuesday, Nov. 16, the Wyandotte County COVID case numbers went from 25,067 to 25,090, an increase of 23 since Monday. There were 386 total cumulative COVID deaths on Tuesday in Wyandotte County, an increase of one since Monday.

Doctors at the University of Kansas Health System reported higher COVID-19 inpatient numbers on Tuesday, Nov. 16. There were 21 inpatients with the active virus in the hospital, an increase from 18 on Monday. Seven were in the intensive care unit, up from five Monday. There were four patients on ventilators, the same as Monday. Twenty-four other COVID patients were still hospitalized because of COVID but were out of the acute infection phase, an increase from 19 on Monday. There were a total of 45 COVID patients at KU Health System Tuesday.

The UG meeting will be on Zoom, with residents able to make public comments by joining the Zoom meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86016390539?pwd=V1NPYXAzOGxHMlN6bGxvaWpJMEFnZz09, or by telephone toll-free at 877-853-5257, or by going in person to the City Hall lobby. They also accept written or emailed comments. More details are on the agenda. For more ideas on how to connect to the meeting, visit https://www.wycokck.org/Departments/Clerks-Office/Engage-in-Public-Commission-Meeting.

The UG agenda is at https://www.wycokck.org/Departments/Clerks-Office/Agendas-Minutes.

One thought on “Extension of UG’s mask ordinance on Thursday’s agenda”

  1. All surrounding areas are masks optional. Let the choice be made by each individual. Heck, even some schools are making high school masking optional. Cone on KCK. Let’s be respectful

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