Ex-coach Burleson to attend KCKCC alumni baseball game Saturday

by Alan Hoskins, KCKCC

Retired head coach Steve Burleson will be on hand Saturday to welcome many of his past players at Kansas City Kansas Community College’s annual Alumni Baseball Game.

For most of the former Blue Devils, it will be the first opportunity to reminisce with Burleson, who retired at the end of July after 36 years as head coach.

“A lot of our former players no longer live in Kansas City so we’re delighted coach Burleson will be here,” said new head coach Matt Goldbeck. “I know he always looks forward to seeing his former players and I’m sure they feel the same way so we’re hoping for a good turnout.”

Registration and a “Meet and Greet” will begin at 10 a.m. with batting practice scheduled for 11 a.m. Opening ceremonies will be held at noon with the first pitch of the Alumni Game to follow. The game will match two teams of alumni. “We’ll probably play nine innings but it could go longer depending on the number of players,” Goldbeck said. For 40 to 50 players have turned out for the game the last couple of years.

Alan Hoskins is the sports information director for KCKCC.