Emporia State announces graduate degree candidates from Wyandotte County

Nearly 300 students were candidates for graduate degrees during commencement exercises May 17, 2014, at Emporia State University. Students from this area and their degrees:
•    Jonathan Andrew Goering of Kansas City, Kan., master of science degree in educational administration
•    Erickia Rashondra Grant of Kansas City, Kan., master of science degree in master teacher
•    Ryan S. Grinter of Kansas City, Kan., master of music degree with a concentration in vocal and instrumental music education
•    Qiquan Lu of Kansas City, Kan., master of business administration degree with a concentration in accounting
•    Scott G. Teufel of Kansas City, Kan., master of science degree in educational administration
•    George A. Vega of Kansas City, Kan., master of science degree in early childhood education.
Helen Van Etten, a member of the Kansas Board of Regents, spoke. Nearly 300 students were candidates for graduate degrees during the hooding ceremony.