Employees of month named for Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools

Theamos “D.J.” Howell Jr. (Photo from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools)
Theamos “D.J.” Howell Jr. (Photo from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools)

A school police officer and the student services department were named as employees of the month of October by the Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education.

Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools Police Officer Theamos “D.J.” Howell Jr., at Argentine Middle School, received the honor at the Oct. 27 school board meeting.

The nomination for Officer Howell:

“Today, especially, students need a good role model and leader. Theamos “D.J.” Howell Jr., KCKPS police officer at Argentine Middle School, is exactly that. He has developed strong relationships with both the students and the staff. He is consistent, compassionate and kind, but he maintains the standards for student excellence and accepts nothing less. When Mr. Howell is needed for any reason, he is there, for both the staff and the students. He assists with behavior, helps with cafeteria duty, speaks with and encourages students. Because he is very approachable, students look up to him and respect him. His presence and leadership makes a difference! Thank you for considering him for this recognition.” Sincerely, Heather Hamtil, ESL teacher, Argentine Middle School

The nomination for the Department of Student Services employees:

“The Department of Student Services is a team that demonstrates teamwork and outstanding customer service. The team arrives early, stays late and will always support families, staff members and each other. The team doesn’t think in isolation, but rather how can they help each other to be more efficient in meeting the needs of our families. This team is resourceful, creative, and committed. This team provides our families social and emotional support and more often than not, simply a listening ear. The team is always present and engaged at community events such as the Back To School Fair, Community Health Fairs and other weekend activities that may require the balance of their personal and family time. The team works so closely together that the nomination seemed appropriate as a team. They are Valerie Anzicek, Octavio Estrella, Tina Richardson, Daryel Garrison, Michelle Wortham, Ashley Washington, Marsha Oyer, Susan Meier, Lisa Summers, Allison Thomas, Kerry Wrenick, Marie McFeders, Matthia Kelsey, Noemi Sanchez, Carol Collins, Omayra Patterson, Lilia Alvidrez, Leticia Pompa, Brianda Lobotas, Vanessa Mora, Miguel Torres, Rosie Rodriguez, and Betsy Camacho Clay. This team has such heart and truly believes in the mission of the district, ‘Every grown-up, every child, every day.’” Sincerely, Lisa Garcia, director, Student Services (As a surprise, the board member and selection committee felt it was appropriate for Lisa Garcia to also receive an award, along with her team.)

– Story and photos from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools