Elementary school lunch menus

Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools
Monday, May 19
Corn dogs or yogurt, cheese and muffin, glazed carrots, celery sticks and grapes.
Tuesday, May 20
Chic’ penne with breadstick or yogurt, cheese and muffin, green beans, romaine salad and mango fruit cup.
Wednesday, May 21
Chicken quesadilla or yogurt, cheese and muffin, black bean salsa with chips, broccoli, cauliflower with ranch, and kiwi with strawberries.
Thursday, May 22
Sloppy Joe sandwich or yogurt, cheese and muffin, confetti fries, romaine salad, strawberry frozen fruit treat.
Friday, May 23
Max sticks with sauce or yogurt, cheese and muffin, baby carros with ranch, broccoli and cheese,and fruited Jell-O.
Other entrée alternatives daily: mini chef with roll or mini fruit salad with muffin.

Turner Public Schools
Monday, May 19
Manager’s choice, fruit and veggie bar.
Tuesday, May 20
Manager’s choice, fruit and veggie bar.
Wednesday, May 21
School’s out for summer.
Summer feeding program, breakfast and lunch, June 2-July 10, Mondays through Thursdays at Turner High School and Junction Elementary School.

Piper Public Schools
Monday, May 19
Chicken and waffles; corn dog, oven fries, broccoli with dip, orange smiles and fruit; turkey chef salad, peas, orange smiles, fruit and corn muffin.
Tuesday, May 20
Chicken nuggets; grilled cheese sandwich, garden salad, bean bake, pineapple, fresh fruit.
Wednesday, May 21-Thursday, May 22
Early dismissal.
Friday, May 23
No school.

Bonner Springs Public Schools
Monday, May 19
Chicken and waffles; corn dog, oven fries, broccoli with dip, orange smiles, fruit; turkey chef salad, peas, orange smiles, fruit and corn muffin.
Tuesday, May 20
Chicken nuggets; super nachos, garden salad, easy bean bake, pineapple, fruit; fajita chicken salad, bean bake, pineapple, fruit and tortilla chips.
Wednesday, May 21
Early dismissal.
Thursday, May 22
No school.