Elementary school lunch menus

Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools
Monday, Feb. 23
Hot dog on a bun, tri-tater, baby carrots, diced peaches, fruit and milk.
Tuesday, Feb. 24
Pizza, garden salad, green beans, mandarin orange, fruit and milk.
Wednesday, Feb. 25
Pork rib sandwich, romaine lettuce, tomato slice, French fries, sliced apples, fruit and milk.
Thursday, Feb. 26
Chili, broccoli, cinnamon roll, banana, fruit and milk.
Friday, Feb. 27
Macaroni and cheese, grape tomatoes, cucumber slices, fruit cocktail, fruit and milk.
All Kansas City, Kan., lunches come with an alternative entrees of chef’s salad, fruit chef salad and yogurt muffin basket.

Turner Public Schools
Monday, Feb. 23
Teriyaki chicken, egg roll, rice pilaf.
Tuesday, Feb. 24
Taco salad, salsa, taco chips.
Wednesday, Feb. 25
Barbecued rib on bun, cookie.
Thursday, Feb. 26
Chicken nuggets, sauce, roll.
Friday, Feb. 27
French toast sticks with sausage, tri-tater.
Alternate entrée choices: Yogurt platter, peanut butter and jelly platter. All Turner lunches come with milk, fruits and veggies bar.

Piper Public Schools
Monday, Feb. 23
Chicken and waffles; three-cheese grilled cheese, cherry tomatoes, corn, broccoli, applesauce, pineapple; Cobb salad, corn, applesauce, pineapple, blueberry fruit muffin.
Tuesday, Feb. 24
Super nachos; chicken nuggets, chopped garden salad, Hawaiian beans, mandarin oranges, cinnamon apple slices; taco salad, Hawaiian beans, mandarin oranges, cinnamon apple slices, cornbread.
Wednesday, Feb. 25
Chicken patty – grilled chicken; roast turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, glazed carrots, apple, peaches, roll; chicken Caesar salad, glazed carrots, apple, peaches, roll and crackers.
Thursday, Feb. 26
Spaghetti and meatball with focaccia bread; barbecued rib on bun, spring mix salad, cheesy cauliflower popcorn, tomato slices, banana, orange pineapple mix; Italian chef salad, peas, banana, orange pineapple mix, focaccia bread.
Friday, Feb. 27
Pepperoni pizza; fish sticks with mac and cheese, baby carrots with hummus, green beans, Caesar side salad, orange smiles, tropical fruit, chocolate chip cookie; popcorn chicken salad, baby carrots with hummus, fruit streusel muffin, orange smiles, tropical fruit, chocolate chip cookie.

Bonner Springs Public Schools
Monday, Feb. 23
Chicken and waffles; sloppy Joes, cherry tomatoes, corn, broccoli, applesauce, pineapple; Cobb salad, corn, applesauce, pineapple, blueberry fruit muffin.
Tuesday, Feb. 24
Super nachos; chicken tortilla soup with cornbread, chopped garden salad, Hawaiian beans, mandarin oranges, cinnamon apple slices; taco salad, Hawaiian beans, mandarin oranges, cinnamon apple slices, cornbread.
Wednesday, Feb. 25
Chicken patty – grilled chicken; corn dog, mashed potatoes with gravy, glazed carrots, apple, peaches, roll; chicken Caesar salad, glazed carrots, apple, peaches, roll and crackers.
Thursday, Feb. 26
Spaghetti and meatball with focaccia bread; chicken and cheese quesadilla, spring mix salad, cheesy cauliflower popcorn, tomato slices, banana, orange pineapple mix; Italian chef salad, peas, banana, orange pineapple mix, focaccia bread.
Friday, Feb. 27
Pepperoni pizza; barbecued chicken on bun, baby carrots with hummus, green beans, Caesar side salad, orange smiles, tropical fruit, chocolate chip cookie; popcorn chicken salad, baby carrots with hummus, fruit streusel muffin, orange smiles, tropical fruit, chocolate chip cookie.

All menus from all districts are subject to change.