Elementary school lunch menus

Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools
Monday, Oct. 20
Pork rib sandwich, lettuce and tomato, French fries, mandarin oranges, fruit, milk.

Tuesday, Oct. 21
Hot dog on a bun, tri-tater, baby carrots, diced peaches, fruit and milk.

Wednesday, Oct. 22
Chili, broccoli, cinnamon roll, fruit cocktail, fruit and milk.

Thursday, Oct. 23
No school.

Friday, Oct. 24
No school.

All Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools lunches include alternate entrée choices of mini chef salad, mini fruit chef salad or yogurt-muffin basket.

Turner Public Schools
Monday, Oct. 20
Teriyaki chicken, egg roll.

Tuesday, Oct. 21
Taco salad, beef, snack chip.

Wednesday, Oct. 22
Barbecued rib on bun, cookie.

Thursday, Oct. 23
Chicken nuggets, sauce, bread sticks or equivalent.

Friday, Oct. 24
French toast sticks with sausage, or eggs.

Additional Turner lunch entrée choices: yogurt platter, or peanut butter and jelly platter. All Turner lunches include fruits and veggies bar, and milk is offered with meals.

Piper Public Schools
Monday, Oct. 20
Cheeseburger; three-cheese grilled cheese, sweet potato fries, broccoli with dip, grapes, pears; turkey chef salad, peas, grapes, pears, blueberry fruit muffin.

Tuesday, Oct. 21
Barbecued chicken nachos; chicken nuggets, garden salad, Texas pintos, cantaloupe, applesauce; taco salad, Texas pintos, cantaloupe, applesauce, tortilla chips.

Wednesday, Oct. 22
Chicken patty-grilled chicken; corn dog, mashed potatoes with gravy, roasted squash, strawberry banana mix, pineapple, roll; chicken Caesar salad, carrots with dip, strawberry banana mix, pineapple, roll, crackers.

Thursday, Oct. 23
Early dismissal.

Friday, Oct. 24
No school.

Bonner Springs-Edwardsville Public Schools
Monday, Oct. 20
Cheeseburger; three-cheese grilled cheese, sweet potato fries, broccoli with dip, grapes, pears; turkey chef salad, peas, grapes, pears, blueberry fruit muffin.

Tuesday, Oct. 21
Barbecued chicken nachos, chicken nuggets, garden salad, Texas pintos, cantaloupe, applesauce; taco salad, Texas pintos, cantaloupe, applesauce, tortilla chips.

Wednesday, Oct. 22
Chicken patty-grilled chicken; corn dog, mashed potatoes with gravy, roasted squash, strawberry banana mix, pineapple, roll; chicken Caesar salad, baby carrots with dip, strawberry banana mix, pineapple, roll, and crackers.

Thursday, Oct. 23
Buffalo ranch chicken wrap; chicken Alfredo with Italian bread, carrot coins, spring mix salad, cheesy cauliflower popcorn, watermelon, mandarin oranges; Italian chef salad, carrot coins, watermelon, mandarin oranges, and Italian bread.

Friday, Oct. 24
Cheese pizza; sun butter and jelly sandwich with yogurt, Caesar side salad, baby carrots with dip, roasted corn, banana, peaches; popcorn chicken salad, roasted corn, banana, peaches, fruit streusel muffin.