Elementary school lunch menus

Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools
Monday, May 15
Pork ribette sandwich, green beans, baby carrots, diced pears, fruit salad and milk. Alternate entrée: Uncrustable sandwich, fruit salad, yogurt muffin basket.
Tuesday, May 16
Chicken nuggets, roll, tater tots, cucumber slices, mandarin oranges, fruit salad and milk. Alternate entrees: Southwestern chef salad, hummus plate, yogurt parfait.
Wednesday, May 17
Chicken and waffles, broccoli, grape tomatoes, orange wedges, fruit salad and milk. Alternate entrees: Garden chef salad, fruit salad, yogurt muffin basket.
Thursday, May 18
Homestyle chili, fritos, garden salad, banana, fruit salad and milk. Alternate entrees: Southwestern chef salad, hummus plate, yogurt parfait.
Friday, May 19
Chicken quesadilla, celery sticks, cauliflower, apple slices, fruit salad and milk. Alternate entrees: Garden chef salad, fruit salad, yogurt muffin basket.

Turner Public Schools
Monday, May 15
Popcorn chicken with Italian bread, garden salad, steamed broccoli, fruit, cinnamon apple slices; mandarin orange chicken salad, steamed broccoli, fruit, cinnamon apple slices and Italian bread.
Tuesday, May 16
Cheeseburger; hot dog, baby carrots with dip, garden salad, apple, fruit, chocolate chip cookie.
Wednesday, May 17
Chicken patty, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, applesauce, fruit and roll; strawberry chicken salad, mashed potatoes with gravy, applesauce, fruit, roll.
Thursday, May 18
Pizza, garden salad, broccoli with dip, fruit, pears; Cobb salad, fruit, pears, fruit streusel muffin.
Friday, May 19
No school.

Piper Public Schools
Monday, May 15
Popcorn chicken with Italian bread; pizza grilled cheese sandwich, garden salad, steamed broccoli, fruit, cinnamon apple slices; mandarin orange chicken salad, steamed broccoli, fruit, cinnamon apple slices and Italian bread.
Tuesday, May 16
Barbecued pork on bun; super nachos, refried beans, garden salad, mandarin oranges, fruit; taco salad, refried beans, mandarin oranges, fruit and cornbread.
Wednesday, May 17-Friday, May 19
No school.

Bonner Springs-Edwardsville Public Schools
Monday, May 15
Popcorn chicken with Italian bread; sloppy Joes, garden salad, steamed broccoli, fruit, cinnamon apple slices; mandarin orange chicken salad, steamed broccoli, fruit, cinnamon apple slices, Italian bread.
Tuesday, May 16
Super nachos; barbecued pork on bun, refried beans, garden salad, mandarin oranges, fruit; taco salad, refried beans, mandarin oranges, fruit, cornbread.
Wednesday, May 17
Chicken patty; roasted pork, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, applesauce, fruit, roll; strawberry chicken salad, mashed potatoes with gravy, applesauce, fruit, roll.
Thursday, May 18
Hot dog; Korean barbecue pork tacos, garden salad, French fries, fruit, pears; Cobb salad, fruit, pears, fruit streusel muffin.
Friday, May 19
Italian sub, baby carrots with dip, apple.

All menus from all districts subject to change.