Election workers sought

The Wyandotte County Election Office needs volunteers to be election workers for polling places on Election Day, Nov. 6.

The election office currently has 12 vacant positions and needs at least 24 volunteers to fill vacancies, according to the election commissioner’s office. They also need a few extra volunteers for workers who may call in sick.

Volunteers who are interested may use an application on the www.wycovotes.org website. High school students, age 16 or older, also are eligible to apply.

For details and an application click on the link for Election workers (www.wycovotes.org/election-workers-1/) at the top center-right of the website. Applicants may also call the election worker team (Kyla, Courtney, or Shirley) at 913-573-8512.

A special training session for applicants who are selected has been planned for 9 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 3, at the election office.

Election workers are paid for attending training and working on Election Day. The training is mandatory for all workers. The pay is $9.01 per hour. Training is usually completed in less than three hours.

Election Day for election workers begins at 6 a.m. and ends about an hour after polling places close at 7 p.m. The election workers must work the full day.