(BPU photo)
Board of Public Utilities staff visited a 96-year-old resident’s home tonight to check on her utilities. The electricity at the woman’s house was off because a meter was removed for safety reasons.
According to David Mehlhaff, BPU spokesman, it will be necessary to have a certified electrician work on the house before the meter can be reattached.
He said BPU personnel said that if the meter was reattached without the work by the electrician, it could be a fire hazard. Boxes inside the house will need to be replaced, he said.
Meters are the responsibility of the homeowners, he said. In this case, if someone else caused the damage, that other person could be responsible for replacing it.
A Kansas City, Kansas, resident has now stepped forward to help. The Wyandotte Daily has been contacted by a Kansas City, Kansas, resident who is interested in helping by providing an electrician to work on the house.
See earlier story at https://wyandotteonline.com/electricity-shut-off-for-96-year-old-resident/.
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