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Downtown KCK comes alive with Latino Arts Festival today
Spectators watched the Latino Arts Festival parade today on Minnesota Avenue. These spectators were outside of the El Centro building. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)
by Mary Rupert
Downtown Kansas City, Kansas, and Minnesota Avenue came alive again Saturday for the Latino Arts Festival and parade.
Low-rider vehicles stole the show today, with more than 30 of them in the parade, which started at 4th and Minnesota and went to 12th and Minnesota. Turnout was good, as the weather was warm and the rain held off today.
Many people were gathered across the street from the Kansas City, Kansas, Chamber of Commerce office, where a parade review stage was set up. Minnesota Avenue between 7th and 8th streets are blocked off for the festival, which runs through 8 p.m. Saturday.
Dan Silva, Kansas City, Kansas, Area Chamber of Commerce president and CEO, said an art display was open inside the chamber’s offices today, across from the stage area on Minnesota Avenue. Art by Vania Soto and other artists was on display today.
The Downtown Shareholders, along with Hallmark, the Kansas City, Kansas, Area Chamber of Commerce, El Centro, H.E.A.R.T., the Bank of Labor and others, sponsored the Latino Arts Festival and parade.
The free festival features art on display, two bands performing and a car show, with a car-hopping contest at 5:30 p.m. Two vendors are providing food available for purchase at the event.
For more information, visit
A low-rider vehicle participated in a parade today down Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)Spectators watched the Latino Arts Festival parade today on Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)Colorful costumes were part of the parade today on Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)A low-rider truck approached the review stage today during a parade on Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)A float in today’s parade on Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)A spectator watched the parade today outside the Hilton Garden Inn near 5th and Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)Spectators watched a parade on Minnesota Avenue on Saturday from in front of the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Library, near 6th and Minnesota. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert) Sandra Olivas, the emcee of the festival, announced the parade entries as they came by the reviewing stage, located between 7th and 8th on Minnesota Avenue. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)The American GI Forum had an entry in the parade on Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)Some antique cars were among the entries in a parade today on Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)The Woodland Village Marching Wildcats drill team from Leavenworth practiced in a parking lot near 4th and Minnesota before the parade began. (Staff photo)The Woodland Village Marching Wildcats drill team from Leavenworth participated in today’s parade on Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)Several antique cars were in today’s parade on Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)The Wyandotte County Sheriff’s vehicle participated in today’s parade on Minnesota Avenue. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)Spectators watched the parade today on Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)Artist Vania Soto’s work was displayed inside the Kansas City, Kansas, Area Chamber of Commerce offices near 7th and Minnesota during today’s Latino Arts Festival. (Staff photo) Dan Silva, president and CEO of the Kansas City, Kansas, Area Chamber of Commerce, left, said there is also some middle-school student art on display at the chamber offices. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)Artist Vania Soto, left, was outside taking pictures of the parade today on Minnesota Avenue. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)Spectators watched the parade on Minnesota Avenue today in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)More antique cars in the parade today on Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)