Downed power lines caused electrical short to home on Leavenworth Road

Downed power lines during a storm this morning caused an electrical short that produced heavy smoke in a wood-framed home on Leavenworth Road.

Fire crews responded at 11:08 a.m. June 5 to a home at 6615 Leavenworth Road, according to a Fire Department spokesman.

They arrived within one minute of the call. Crews saw heavy smoke coming from the home, and found power lines had been brought down by tree limbs during a morning storm, the spokesman said.

The downed power lines caused an electrical short to the home. Crews found fire in the kitchen area that had spread to the attic of the home, the spokesman said.

Everyone was out of the home by the time fire crews arrived, and no one was injured, the spokesman said. BPU was called to shot off power to the home.

The fire investigator responded and indicated that the probable cause of the unintentional fire was a downed tree on electrical lines, according to the Fire Department report. The house sustained damage of $25,000.

The Red Cross was called to assist three adults, according to the spokesman.