Digital outdoor advertising, pit bull repeal on tonight’s UG meeting agenda

Three ordinances on digital outdoor advertising and changes to the animal ordinance are on tonight’s agenda for the Unified Government Commission meeting.

The commission meeting will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 4, in the Commission Chambers, City Hall, lobby level, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan.

According to the agenda, the three ordinances would permit digital billboards under regulations; add “digital outdoor advertising services” to the occupation tax list; and set the occupation tax amount for digital outdoor advertising services.

Also on tonight’s agenda are changes to the animal control ordinance, including a change in the number of animals allowed, and removing the ban against pit bulls.

Many planning and zoning items are on tonight’s agenda.

Also on tonight’s agenda, a public hearing will be held to consider a community improvement district and ordinance concerning the Fairway North Shopping Center redevelopment located near West 47th Avenue and Mission Road. The developer is Lane4 Property Group.

It is a $5.56 million redevelopment project.

On the planning and zoning consent agenda tonight:

– A special use permit for an existing greenhouse, storage container and office building at 4223 Gibbs Road, Katherine Kelly.

– Vacation of right-of-way at 3717 Cambridge Street.

– Master Plan amendment to the Downtown Master Plan in conjunction with the Healthy Campus Initiative.

– An ordinance rezoning property at 827 S. 78th Street from single-family district to agriculture district.

On the non-planning consent agenda:

– Ten resolutions to authorize various capital maintenance improvement projects, including 29th and Ohio storm sewer; Minnesota Avenue from 7th to 8th Street; White Oaks Capacity at 82nd and Haskell; 12th to 10th Street bikeway; Central Avenue and 18th Street intersection; Leavenworth Road, from 63rd to 38th Street; Route 107 bus stop and station upgrades; Safe Routes to School, Groups D and E; and Westheight benefit district.

– Approval of an alternate design for the Kaw Point Connector Trail, allowing the project to go forward at a cost in line with the original state grant and UG funding.

– An ordinance to authorize legal proceedings to acquire property for the upper Connor Creek sewer extension project.

– An ordinance to authorize issuing $20 million in industrial revenue bonds for Kaw Point industrial building, as the scope of the project has increased. Earlier the UG passed a measure for $15 million in IRBs.

– An ordinance amending the animal code relating to increasing the maximum number of animals, removing the pit bull prohibition, adopting a trap, neuter and release policy. Public comments were taken previously on this change during a committee meeting. The new ordinance will contain language about animals that display dangerous behavior. It also has a no tolerance policy on vicious animals that cause bodily harm, but there is no breed mentioned, no prohibition against pit bulls, in the changes.

On the planning and zoning non-consent agenda:

– A special use permit for the temporary use of land to store a 20-foot shipping container at 4437 Claudine Lane.

Also on the agenda is a request to put a mobile home at 3539 Bell Crossing Drive for a period not to exceed one year, after the home at that location burned. There is a plan to rebuild the home.

The agenda is posted at

The UG Commission also will hold a special session at 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 4, in the ninth floor conference room at City Hall to discuss security measures, labor negotiations and litigation. The 5 p.m. executive session meeting is not open to the public.