Dear editor,

I spoke with Aaron Coleman’s family yesterday, and learned that the arrest on Saturday night was due to a dispute with his brother. The only reason the police were there was that Aaron had called them himself, due to believing his cellphone had been stolen. It seems unlikely that any charges will be filed.

I’d like to urge my fellow Dottes who live in Turner to write in Aaron Coleman for Turner USD 202 this Tuesday, Nov. 2. Through talking with his constituents and neighbors, Aaron’s been grieved to learn that the abuse he suffered as a Turner elementary school student tragically has not come to an end, despite new research and information on the best ways to reach atypical students.

Aaron is still working to fill in the socialization gaps caused by all the hours he spent in isolation due to teachers not having the tools or resources to cope with his learning and behavioral issues. As a young man with a passion for serving his community, he knows that healing is not just an individualistic thing: we heal by creating a healthier world for everyone — in this particular case, for the children.

Whatever anyone else has said about Aaron, I’ve never heard a constituent complain that he was inaccessible or inattentive to their needs. Quite the opposite! Aaron will apply this same vigilance and energy to attending to the needs of Turner students, should you elect him to your school board.

Thank you for your consideration.

Susan Stevens
Argentine Neighborhood, Kansas City, Kansas

4 thoughts on “Dear editor,”

  1. Having had many conversations with Aaron from the beginning of his campaign until the present about his past, present, and future actions, it seems that he would best serve himself and his constituents by recognizing his need for deep reflection, counseling and healing. This must be his first priority.

    In the best interest of his constituents and out of concern for his own wellbeing, he should resign as District 37 Representative as well as not pursue a position on the Turner School Board.

    1. I have stated this before and will do again. None of you people who are bashing Aaron Coleman were witnesses to these alleged events. Representative Coleman has been vital and extremely helpful in resolving my issues with again not receiving benefits from KDOL. If it were not for him reaching out to me and contacting KDOL for me to receive a small portion of my back pay I would be homeless. Instead of judging one young man how about the house of representatives address the issue of why thousands of Kansans are not being paid losing children homes and their lives. I will support Aaron Coleman one hundred percent because as I said I am basing my opinion on actions not allegations.

      1. Thank you Cathy! This just reinforces my conviction that Aaron is right there for his constituents where it counts. Actions over allegations!

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