The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment are taking public comments on the Woodlands project in Kansas City, Kansas.
It was recently announced that The Woodlands, a former horse and dog racing track at 97th and Leavenworth Road, was for sale for future development as a warehouse industrial project. Scannell Properties of Indianapolis applied for a water quality certification.
According to a public notice, as part of that development, a wetlands area on the property would be affected. Public comments about the water quality certification will be accepted until June 18.
The site contains 2.34 acres of emergent wetlands located within the infield of the former track area, according to the public notice.
Fill materials would be placed within the project area to construct the million-plus square foot commercial warehouse facility, parking lots, roads and truck-trailer loading facilities, according to the public notice.
The applicant has stated that avoidance of the wetlands area is not possible, and to minimize potential water quality impacts resulting from the project, the development would incorporate stormwater detention basins along the north and east side of the project area. The stormwater management basins would have its outlet to Bennet Lake, east of the site, according to the public notice.
According to a previous Unified Government news release, the warehouse project would create 1,000 new jobs, and 70 acres between the new warehouse and Wyandotte County Lake would be reserved for green space and public walking trails.
Comments may be made to [email protected] or write to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City Regulatory Office, 635 Federal Building, 601 East 12th St., Kansas City, Missouri, 64106, by telephone at 816-389-3703. Comments should reference permit application No. NWK-2020-348.
In addition, commenters are asked to furnish a copy of their comments to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Bureau of Environmental Field Services – – Watershed Management Section, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 430, Topeka, Kansas 66612-1367.
The public notice is online at https://usace.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getfile/collection/p16021coll7/id/14409?fbclid=IwAR1FLnmIZVSNimefJhPdZ0WxDiT4t8w1AHGw9AnwvArVbpnG_PiF2uaa8GM
I miss the horse races. Are we not allowed to do that here anymore?
This facility may have an impact on the water of Wyandotte County Lake. The 2020 303(d) List of All Impaired & Potentially Impaired Waters lists Wyandotte County Lake as a high priority for implementation. The TMDL states the lake is impaired with Eutrophication. With more impermeable buildings, and parking lots upstream from the lake may create an undue hardship on the Lake.
Please make walking trail. We need that here in Wyandotte Co!
…”and 70 acres between the new warehouse and Wyandotte County Lake would be reserved for green space and public walking trails.” Who is going to build and maintain the trails? The trail at the lake needs maintained now.
Good question to ask Scannell properties or Army Corp of Engineers if there is a public meeting.
Laurie Torrez please explain more about Wyandotte Co. Lake. Why is it impaired? What is implementation needed? What is Eutrophication? How would this new construction create a hardship on the Lake?
This is the 2020 TMDL list for the state of kansas that shows Wyandotte County Lake’s TMDL. This will answer all your questions. Wyandotte Lake is on page 28 of the list. Copy and paste it.
The full Army Corp of Engineers Public Notice can be found by searching NWK-2020-348. The reason for the public notice is 2.34 acres of wetlands is on the land and avoidance is not possible. You may refer any questions to Brian Donahue with the Army Corp of Engineers at his email listed on the Public Notice.
There is also a 2006 TMDL report at the location below that references Wyandotte County Lake.
I did ask the Army Corp of Engineers for a public hearing.
Wyandotte County Lake must be protected. Construction at Village West put so much silt into Marshall Creek that the south end of the lake needed to be dredged. The proximity of the proposed warehouse to the lake is a little scary.
Scannell just released a 2nd set of plans. Not 1 million plus, but 3 million plus sq. Ft of buildings with an impervious area of over 7 million plus sq ft.
Notice of neighborhood meeting for the Woodlands Redevelopment
Monday, June 29, 6:00 pm
3150 N. 91st st.
Willow Creek venue (at entrance of WyCo. Lake)
June 23, 2020
Scannell Properties #436, LLC
8801 River Crossing Blvd, Suite 300
Indianapolis, IN 46240
SUBJECT: Follow- Up Neighborhood Meeting
We have filed an application with the Department of Urban Planning and Land Use #COZ
3226/MP-2020-5. The purpose of this application is listed below:
➢ change of zone/ preliminary plan
➢ master plan amendment
➢ preliminary plat
These submitted applications are for the redevelopment of the existing Woodlands Racetrack
property to allow for a proposed business park and neighborhood retail center. The existing
property is zoned AG, CP-1, and CP-2. The proposed application would change the zoning to
C-1 and M-2 to allow for the business park use. We have attached a preliminary site plan to this
letter for your reference.
The property is located on the northeast corner of 99th Street and Leavenworth Road (9700
Leavenworth Road).
We are having a follow up neighborhood meeting on June 29th at 6:00 p.m at the following
address (3150 N. 91st Street, Kansas City, KS 66109).
The purpose of this meeting is to explain the proposal and to answer any questions/concerns
you may have. This meeting is a follow up meeting from the zoom meeting that was held on
June 22nd to more effectively communicate the proposed project since the meeting that was
held was not allowing a fluid discussion due to voice and video quality problems. The meeting
will be performed with social distancing in-mind.
I look forward to seeing you at the neighborhood meeting.
Shaun Cofer
Scannell Properties #436, LLC
Tel: 317.843.5959
This is going to be an Amazon project. Scannell is a front for Amazon.
Exactly.. Please attend meeting at 3150 N. 91st st on this Monday at 6:00 pm. It looks like it goes to the U.G. Planning and Zoning on July 13th, and it will be a zoom meeting supposedly. Not for sure, the U.G. is not telling the community anything yet. This is being fast tracked and allowances are being given to the applicant because of the pandemic. So new rules are being advocated for the applicant, and these rules are against the community rights.
Heard the UG is trying to buy out WYCO sports facilities and move it to the new Piper School on 131st. Possibility put in a large truck stop in that location.