Concern expressed about firefighters dealing with COVID-19

Concern was expressed recently about the safety of firefighters in dealing with COVID-19.

At a March 12 Unified Government Commission, Commissioner Mike Kane asked about the subject of firefighter safety.

He asked if the UG could check into the procedures that Kansas City, Missouri, has approved, and to see if there is something that the UG could learn from.

Commissioner Kane said recently that his questions were not directly about the five firefighters reportedly under self-quarantine or about any specific incident, but his concerns were about safety procedures in general. Each fire department seems to have different procedures, he said, and there is a need for have a professional look at it to say what needs to be done. He added he thought the mayor and governor did the right thing to declare an emergency, to protect the people who live here.

“They are doing things different,” UG Administrator Doug Bach said at the meeting about the Kansas City, Missouri, and Kansas City, Kansas, procedures. “We did some analysis of the things they are doing.”

The UG was looking at best practices and will move forward with what is the most appropriate for the UG, he said at the meeting.

Bach, at the meeting, said he was looking at all operational practices, and added that about 90 percent of the UG employees need to keep working.

“We are taking steps to provide additional disinfectant, advise and provide information to employees about what they should be doing to take precautions,” he said.

“We’re advising people if you’re feeling ill, don’t come to work, but otherwise, this is a time when we have to step up,” he said at the meeting. “This is when our employees work hard and take care of the community.

“I know we’ll be here to serve,” he said, “and we’ll continue to do what we can to provide additional resources that they need.”

The International Association of Firefighters recommended personal protection equipment including certain types of masks, disposable gowns, gloves, eye protection, and placing a surgical mask on patients. The IAFF has developed recommended protocols for firefighters in dealing with COVID-19, including information about the personal protection equipment that is needed, at