Community organization supports elementary students with academic recognition

Students in third, fourth and fifth grades at Edwardsville Elementary are celebrating their success in the school’s first-ever Bring Up Grades (or BUG) program.

BUG is a program designed to provide recognition to students who raise their grades and maintain, or continue to raise them, from one grading period to the next.

This is the first year the program has been in place at Edwardsville Elementary, and fifth-grade teacher Magan Harrell says the inaugural year was a success.

“The Bring Up Grades program is motivating students to take control of their own learning,” Harrell said. “It celebrates student achievement and builds student leaders.”

The BUG program is sponsored by the Edwardsville-Bonner Springs Kiwanis club. After completing the program, kids are able to move on to the Builders Club in middle school and then join the Key Club in high school. Each level of participation is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club.

Twenty-eight Edwardsville Elementary students will be recognized for their hard work this quarter with an award ceremony at 2:45 p.m. April 29.