Community comes together to remember murder victim

Cherri West, mother of Casey Eaton, along with members of Eaton’s family, gathered at Bill Clem Park in eastern Wyandotte County to grieve and remember Casey. (Photo by Cole Oakland)

by Cole Oakland

People from across the Kansas City metro came together this afternoon to remember Casey Eaton, a daughter, mother, and grandmother who was murdered Wednesday, April 17.

Casey, who was 34 at the time of her death, leaves behind four children and one grandson who were all present at today’s celebration. Police are searching for Emenencio Lansdown in connection with the crime. (

Filled with grief and happiness, those in attendance today came together to support each other and to share memories of Casey. Many wore T-shirts with pictures of Casey, while others wrote memories and words of support on boards that had been placed around the area by the family.

Cherri West, Casey’s mother, along with other members of the family, attended the celebration and reminisced about Casey’s life. Unfortunately, this is the second time that the family has dealt with tragedy. In 1999, Pamela Butler was kidnapped in front of her home and killed.

This memory, along with Casey’s murder, was still fresh in the minds of those who attended today’s celebration, along with questions of why it happened. Anthony Michael, the fiancée of one of Casey’s friends, said, “Nothing can be as serious as to take a woman from her children,” and he along with others hoped that the person responsible would be brought to justice for his crime.

Cherri West, mother of Casey Eaton, showed a remembrance T-shirt to one of Casey’s aunts during a celebration of life ceremony at Bill Clem Park in eastern Wyandotte County. (Photo by Cole Oakland)
Notes were written in memory of Casey Eaton during a celebration of life ceremony at Bill Clem Park in eastern Wyandotte County. (Photo by Cole Oakland)

Cherri West, along with other family members of Casey Eaton, tell Casey they love her before releasing balloons at Bill Clem Park in eastern Wyandotte County during a celebration of life ceremony. (Video by Cole Oakland)

As the hour-long celebration came to a close, hundreds of balloons were released with notes, saying “I love you Casey.” After the balloons were released, a strong feeling of sadness came over the crowd as memories of Casey were released to the sky with the balloons. A prayer was offered in Casey’s name, and West gave her thanks to those who came to remember her daughter.

Balloons with notes such as “I love you Casey” were held by friends and family members of Casey Eaton before being released in Casey’s memory during a celebration of life ceremony at Bill Clem Park in eastern Wyandotte County. (Photo by Cole Oakland)

Friends and family of Casey Eaton tell Casey they love her before releasing balloons with notes into the sky at Bill Clem Park in eastern Wyandotte County during a celebration of life ceremony. (Video by Cole Oakland)

Anyone with information regarding Casey’s murder or Emenencio C. Lansdown is urged to call the TIPS hotline at 816-474-TIPS or the U.S. Marshal’s Service at 913-551-6727.