Committee approves Quindaro bill

The Natural Resources Committee in the U.S. House has approved the Quindaro Townsite National Historic Landmark bill that is sponsored by U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder, R-3rd Dist.

The bill, approved in committee last week, would make the historic Quindaro townsite in Kansas City, Kansas, into a national historic landmark.

Rep. Yoder released a statement on the bill:

“I was excited that my bill to create new protections and status for the Quindaro historic site in Kansas City, Kansas was approved by the House Natural Resources Committee this week. The bill, H.R. 5613, is an important step in the decades-long effort to bring well-deserved recognition to this site with significant Underground Railroad and Bleeding Kansas ties. I was proud that my legislation received unanimous support by the committee, demonstrating bipartisan support for this cause. Next, the Quindaro Townsite bill will be considered by the full House of Representatives. It is my hope that the bill will be voted on soon and that we can quickly move toward signing this vital recognition for Quindaro into law.”