Column: Thanks to all our volunteers

Window on the West
Opinion column

by Mary Rupert

At this time of the year, thankfulness seems to be the fitting expression.

I would like to say thanks to all the volunteers who have helped this past year at the Wyandotte Daily.

Our volunteer writers, who have journalism degrees, give up their time to help the community become better informed about current events. Our volunteer photographers likewise have spent hours of their own time to bring you a glimpse of what’s happening in the community.

They know that it is important to have an independent presence to detail important events and issues here. Without them, the community would not be as well informed.

Thanks again to our volunteers. We wouldn’t be able to do it without you!

To reach Mary Rupert, editor, email [email protected].

2 thoughts on “Column: Thanks to all our volunteers”

  1. A big Thank you to everyone who helps keep the Wyandotte Daily going. It’s very important that we know what is going on in our community.

  2. Big thanks to Mary Rupert, for keeping up the tradition of excellent Wyandotte County journalism. And also to Richard Ward, publisher, whose behind-the-scenes support helps keep the news flowing.

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