Column: My holiday gift guide


Opinion column

by Mary Rupert

What will you be getting for the holidays this year?

I’m sharing part of my Christmas list as a gift guide today. Ordering early is important when you are basically stuck at home because of health reasons.

This year, one of the best gifts out there is Michelle Obama’s new book, “The Light We Carry.”

Obama is well known for her statement, “When they go low, we go high.” She writes in her new book that they’re still supposed to go high. “We need to keep trying to go high,” she writes. “We must commit and recommit ourselves to the idea. Operating with integrity matters. It will matter forever.”

It’s something you do, not merely feel, she adds.

For her, it’s all about taking an abstract feeling and working to convert it into an actionable plan, she writes.

On another gift idea, who doesn’t need a new pair of jeans? Steve always orders the jeans from Union House at

We were paging through Time magazine while waiting at a medical appointment one day. I was impressed by an ad from the Kansas City Steak Company and decided to order a box of steaks for my brother and sister. One box went to KCK while the other went to another state. They both arrived safe and secure, packed in dry ice. I got a little concerned when I thought about how two neighbors let their dogs run loose in my brother’s KCK suburban neighborhood, but he solved that potential problem by making an appointment with the delivery service. I will get a report from them later on how good the steaks were.

Homemade gifts are always great. Of all the various knitted projects I started this year, one turned out pretty well, a shawl. I hinted to my daughter that it might be a good present for her, but she hinted back that it would probably be more appropriate for me.

You can give yourself the gift of reading by getting a library card and signing up for the library’s programs to get books delivered on Kindle or on your computer or tablet, or to check the book out of the library. If you can afford to buy a book, please do once in a while and help the author.

Next year, if in the same situation, I will just go back to having relatives pick up presents at local stores.

To reach Mary Rupert, editor, email [email protected].