Window on the West
Opinion column
by Mary Rupert
Today was one of the saddest days in my recent memory, as I heard that my niece, JoEllen, has died from COVID-19 and complications.
Only 32 years old, JoEllen Flanagan Engelbart, an assistant prosecuting attorney in Jackson County, Missouri, had COVID-19 and went into a hospital in Missouri a few days before Christmas. We first heard that news on Christmas morning. She and Matt were expecting their first child, a son, Ross, who was delivered prematurely by C-section on Dec. 29. The baby went to the neonatal intensive care unit of another Missouri hospital.

We were all heartbroken when we heard the news from the family that she died about 3:10 p.m. today. We heard from the family that her asthma and other complications made it a difficult struggle.
JoEllen was a talented young attorney who had received many awards. She served on the Missouri Bar Young Lawyers Section Council. She received the Up and Coming Public Service Award from the Missouri Lawyers Weekly in 2017. She was active in the Association of Women Lawyers, Kansas City Chapter. She was honored as an outstanding law student while attending the University of Missouri at Kansas City. During her undergraduate years at Truman State, she was the recipient of the President’s Medallion.
JoEllen was passionate about helping victims, and she also volunteered at the Rose Brooks Center.
We hadn’t seen her during the past year, as everyone is staying home, and with her extremely busy life, we didn’t see her very often at all. She wasn’t able to attend our Christmas dinner in December 2019, but we saw her two brothers that day. We didn’t invite people over for Christmas 2020 because of the pandemic. Probably the last time we saw her was at her brother’s wedding and related events in May 2019. She organized a bridal shower, and did a wonderful job with it, as she did with everything. She had an extremely demanding career.
Today I wondered if JoEllen knew that her late paternal grandfather, Thomas Flanagan Sr., also my father, had survived a bout with the flu in the pandemic of 1919, the year he was born.
Born in Kansas City, Kansas, JoEllen moved when she was a child with her family to Missouri, which also was where she and her husband later made their home. The oldest of three children, as a youngster she was always keeping her little brothers in line, and was very responsible. She also had a great sense of humor, and was very intelligent.
One thing that impressed me about JoEllen was what she said as a child when she was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. She said she wanted to be President. I certainly think that she would have been a great President.
A Go Fund Me page for expenses for Ross and Matt and the family has been set up at
To reach Mary Rupert, editor, email [email protected].
May God’s richest blessing be with you and yours as you pass through this period of sad loss following the loss of you niece.
Joe Vaughan
Thank you.
Mary, May God provide you and yours comfort during the sad days you face over the loss of you niece . Blessings.
Thank you.
Mary, So sorry for your loss. This is such sad news and such a loss for the KC community. I worked with JoEllen for a short period of time at Jackson County; she was a very sweet, dedicated and funny person. Will be praying for her family.
Thank you.
Mary, and Family, we go a long way back from going to school together and as adults. Our parents knew each other. And we can be proud that we had such great parents. So sorry for your loss and I know God has a special place for her. May God be with you all and bless you all.
Thank you.
Mary…JoEllen was a childhood friend of my daughter and her brother Tommy and my son were best friends in second grade..she was the most sweetest girl…my heart and prayers go out to you and the family.
I would love to get in touch with her mom ….one summer we did several things together with the kids…please pass on my condolences and if possible update arrangements.
Thank you.
Mary …. What a wonderful tribute to someone taken way too soon. Quite clearly you have lost a very special person. I can’t imagine the grief you must feel
Thank you.
Lifting you and your family up in prayer during this time of great loss.
Thank you.